Document eSigning - Legacy

You can send documents for eSignatures right in Breezy. Find out how to manage and save templates for collecting signatures.

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Written by Breezy Team
Updated over a week ago

Breezy's integrated document signing lets you send and receive legally binding, signed documents. And it’s as simple as attaching a document to an email.

eSigning is available to customers on Growth, Business, and Pro plans.

Admin permission is required to create and edit eSignature documents.

Signature requests are sent with templates, so you can create each document once — like a tax form, NDA, or offer letter — and automatically customize it for each candidate.

This article covers Breezy’s legacy version of eSignatures. If you see Electronic Document templates in your Recruiting Preferences (instead of eSignature), you’re using our newest version. Read more about updated eSignatures.

How to create an eSignature template

eSignature templates are created just like other message templates in Breezy, but you’ll also need to attach a document template that will be used to collect signatures.

To create an eSignature message template:

  1. Click the gear icon ⚙️ in the left sidebar.

  2. Hover over Recruiting Preferences.

  3. Click Templates in the left sidebar.

  4. Scroll to eSignature Templates.

  5. Click + eSignature Template.

  6. Enter a name for the template.

  7. Edit the email subject line, if you like.

  8. Compose your message, using variables, scheduling links, custom position fields, and attachments as needed.

  9. Click + Attach Document and upload the document you’ll use to collect signatures.

  10. Enter the names of additional signers, if necessary.

  11. Click Save & Configure to customize the eSignature document.

Your document will be opened in a new window so you can customize it with the fields you need the signer(s) to complete. You can choose from several types of fields (not just a signature).

To customize an eSignature document template:

  1. Click the Signers dropdown to choose which signer to assign fields to.

  2. Click a field on the left sidebar and drag it to the correct location in the document.

  3. Customize the settings for the field in the right sidebar.

  4. Repeat for all signers and fields.

  5. Click Continue.

Customizing an eSignature document template

How to request an eSignature

You can send a document for signature from the candidate’s profile.

  1. Open the candidate’s profile.

  2. Click Email/SMS near the top of the window.

  3. Click Compose Email.

  4. Click the + Insert dropdown.

  5. Click eSig Templates on the left and choose the correct template on the right.

  6. Review and edit the subject line and email message as needed.

  7. Click Request eSignature to review and update the signature document.

  8. Click Continue to return to the candidate’s profile.

  9. Click Request eSignature again, to send the signature request email.

Once your message has been sent, you'll see it in the candidate’s conversation history.

The candidate will receive an email from our eSignature provider with the subject line and message text you provided, plus a link to the document you’ve requested the signature on. When they complete the signature document, it will be sent back to Breezy.

You’ll receive email notifications from Breezy when the candidate opens the email and when they've submitted the document.

Sending a signature request template to a candidate

Important notes:

  • You can currently send eSignature requests to just one candidate at a time.

  • eSignature docs can’t currently be sent with Stage Actions.

How to migrate from legacy eSignature templates

We’ve updated our eSignature process! 💥

To migrate to the new version of eSignatures, you’ll need to create new templates in the Electronic Documents section of your Recruiting Preferences.

Your legacy templates will be available in the eSignature Templates section until July 26, 2023. If you don’t have the original docs used to create your old templates, you can download them from Breezy, then use them for the new version.

To download your legacy templates:

  1. Click the gear icon in the left sidebar.

  2. Hover over Recruiting Preferences and click Templates.

  3. Scroll to eSignature Templates and find the correct template.

  4. Click the download icon (down arrow) on the right-hand side and choose a file location.

Once you’ve downloaded your PDF file, you can use it to create a new template in the Electronic Documents section of your templates page.

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