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Video Responses

Meet your candidates face-to-face, right from their application. Find out how to use video responses as a question format in Breezy.

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Written by Breezy Team
Updated over 2 years ago

If you're trying to judge soft skills – like presenting ability, selling personality, or even language proficiency — Breezy's one-way video interviews, or Video Responses, are a simple, seamless way to do it.

When you choose Video Response as the format of a question in your Questionnaire, we'll ask candidates to record their answers in a video. Breezy will store that video, along with every other piece of candidate information, right in the Candidate Profile. This way, multiple members of your team can check out their responses — saving you pre-screen time and letting you get to know your candidates a little bit better, even before you meet them.

Customers on all paid plans can use video responses.

Response times are limited to 60 seconds on Startup and Growth plans. Customers on Business and Pro plans can increase response time limits to 2 or 5 minutes.

In this article:

How to create a video response question

If you’re an admin, or have a custom role with appropriate permissions, you can create video response questions in a questionnaire’s settings.

  1. Click the gear icon ⚙️ in the left sidebar.

  2. Hover over Recruiting Preferences and click Questionnaires.

  3. Create a questionnaire or click the edit icon (pen and paper) to edit an existing one.

  4. Click + Add Question in the correct section.

  5. Enter your question and a brief description, if you like.

  6. Select Video Response from the Response Type dropdown.

  7. Choose a response time limit and choose whether the response is required.

  8. Click Save Changes.

Add video response question

Browser Support

Breezy's video recorder and player support the latest versions of the following browsers:

  • Chrome

  • Safari

  • Firefox

  • Opera

  • Internet Explorer

  • Edge

The candidate experience

When the candidate reaches a video response question on the questionnaire, they’ll see the question you added and a Record Video button. They can just click the button to record their response on the spot!

They can review and re-record their answers as many times as they like. When they're finished, they can choose a thumbnail image for the video, too.

Note: Candidates can't upload a previously recorded video.

Where to find completed Video Responses

We'll add the video response to the rest of the information in the Experience tab on the candidate’s profile. Or, if you sent the question at a later stage Questionnaire, we'll capture it with the rest of the responses in the Questionnaires tab of the candidate's profile.

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