Position Approvals

Whether you need just one person to approve a position or a whole chain of approvers, Position Approvals make it simple.

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Written by Breezy Team
Updated over a week ago

With Position Approvals, you can require approval from one or more people before a position is activated — including folks outside your company or Breezy account.

Position approvals are available to customers on Business and Pro plans.

Three approval settings are available:

  • No approval required (default)

  • Any Company Admin may approve

  • A specific person or list of people must approve, in order (an Approver Chain)

You can create multiple approval flows to assign to different positions, so only the most relevant team members are included each time.

In this article:

How to create and edit Position Approvals

Admins can manage position approvals in their Recruiting Preferences.

To require approval from any Admin:

  1. Click the gear icon ⚙️ in the left sidebar.

  2. Hover over Recruiting Preferences and click Approvals.

  3. Select Approval is required to activate positions.

  4. Click + Approval Flow.

  5. Enter a name for the approval flow.

  6. Select Any Company Admin may approve.

  7. Click Save Changes.

To create an approval flow:

  1. Click the gear icon ⚙️ in the left sidebar.

  2. Hover over Recruiting Preferences and click Approvals.

  3. Select Approval is required to activate positions.

  4. Click + Approval Flow.

  5. Enter a name for the approval flow.

  6. Select Ordered list (chain) of approvers.

  7. Enter the names or email addresses of the people you’d like to include. Each person you select will appear in a list under Approvers.

  8. Click and drag the names in the list to change the order. Approvals will be requested in this order.

  9. Click Save Changes.

Note: By default, any team member that can create a position can activate that position.

Creating an approval flow

How to assign an approval flow to a position

You can assign an approval flow when you create a position, or later in the position settings.

  1. Click Positions/Pools in the left sidebar.

  2. Open the correct position.

  3. Click the gear icon ⚙️ in the top-right corner of the window to open Position Settings.

  4. Click Approvals in the left sidebar.

  5. Choose an approval flow from the dropdown.

  6. Click Save Changes.

Assigning an approval flow to a position

How to request approval for a position

Position approval is required to activate a position when it’s created, or later after being in draft status. When you attempt to activate a position in its settings or by changing its status, requests will be sent to admins or approvers, according to the approval flow assigned to the position.

To request position approval:

  1. Click Positions/Pools in the left sidebar.

  2. Open the correct position.

  3. Click the status dropdown (a colored dot) near the top of the window and select Active (green dot).

  4. Add a message and file to be included with the approval request, if you like.

  5. Click Request Approval.

Requesting approval to activate a position

The approval process

If your position requires approval from any Admin, every admin on your account will receive an email request for approval. If your position has an approval flow, the first person in the chain will receive the request. Once that person has approved, the next person in line will receive the request, and so on, until everyone in your approval chain has approved.

Approval request message sent to admins or approvers

How to check the status of an approval request

Until the position has been fully approved, its status will show a yellow dot to indicate that it’s pending approval. You can check the status of the approval request, and cancel or resend the request, right from the status dropdown.

To cancel an approval request:

  1. Click Positions/Pools in the left sidebar or open the position.

  2. Click the status dropdown (colored dot) next to the position’s name.

  3. Click Cancel Request.

Approval pending status dropdown

To check the status of each approver or resend an approval request:

  1. Click Positions/Pools in the left sidebar or open the position.

  2. Click the status dropdown (colored dot) next to the position’s name.

  3. Click View. A list of approvers will be shown, with the status of their individual requests.

  4. Click the Resend icon (envelope) next to an approver’s name to resend the request.

List of position approvers and the status of approval requests

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