Time to Fill Report

Find out how long it takes your team to hire candidates and fill positions. Learn more about Time to Fill reports in Breezy.

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Written by Breezy Team
Updated over a week ago

When it comes to cost-effective hiring, combining speed with quality is key.

The Time to Fill report in Breezy is designed to help you optimize the speed part of the equation. You can get a view of how quickly your team is making decisions and how long it takes them to find the right candidate, and potentially spot areas for improvement.

Real-time analytics and reporting are available to customers on all paid plans.

Admin permission is required to access company-level reporting.

Hiring Manager permission is required to access position-level reporting.


  • Time to Hire is based on the date a candidate applies or is added to a position until the day they’re moved to the Hired stage.

  • Time to Fill is based on the date a position is set as active until a candidate is moved to the Hired stage.

Position Time To Fill Statistics

In the Position Time to Fill Statistics section, you can see stats at the position level, including:

  • Who created the position

  • Position location

  • Created date

  • Opened date

  • Filled

  • Number of days to fill

  • Average days to hire

Position Time to Fill Statistics section of the Time to Fill report

Category Time To Fill Statistics

The Category Time To Fill Statistics section shows the average time it takes to hire individuals and close a position, by category or department. This snapshot of timeframes can help you can forecast how long it will take to bring on new team members for various departments in the future.

Category Time To Fill Statistics section of the Time to Fill report

💡 Tip!
These recruiting metrics are also available at the position level — you can access them in the Reports tab on each position.

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